
Photo-rejuvenation sometimes called laser facial is a safe and effective treatment to reduce the appearance of red veins, pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles and give an overall rejuvenation to the skin.

What is Photo-rejuvenation?

Photo-rejuvenation is a laser treatment using IPL. Is treats a number of skin concerns such as red veins, sun spots, uneven pigment, fine lines and wrinkles. 

What does the treatment feel like?

A cold gel is usually applied to the area to be treated, a sensation often described as being similar to the snapping of a rubber band is felt on the surface of the skin, along with a little heat. It is generally very well tolerated. Treatment time is approx. 20 minutes.

The result is a clear and plumped appearance to the skin. Most clients see satisfactory result with 3 treatments.

What is the cost?

A single treatment is €100

A course of 6 is €500


 Book a Photo-rejuvenation Treatment